Summit County COVID-19 Cases Hit All Time High

On December 27th, Summit County had a significant jump in Covid-19 cases. Since then, cases have continually increased to an all-time high of the pandemic.


“An average of 198 cases per day were reported in Summit County, a 254 percent increase from the average two weeks ago. Since the beginning of the pandemic, at least 1 in 4 residents have been infected, a total of 10,549 reported cases,” according to the article, “Tracking Coronavirus in Summit County,” by The New York Times (NYT).


Because of this monumental spike in Covid cases, Park City High School (PCHS) implemented a “test-to-stay” program for students and staff in the Park City School District (PCSD).  This was in accordance with state guidelines, although a shortage in tests in Utah led to its discontinuation.


To find out more information about the test-to-stay program, visit these articles.


Along with the test-to-stay program, a mask mandate has also been enforced in Summit County in an attempt to keep people safer.


“We are still encouraging everyone to socially distance, wash hands often, stay home if you have symptoms, and get tested,” said PCHS assistant principal Jamie Weekes.


On the PCHS website front page, there is an updated count of PCHS COVID-19 cases.  As of Saturday, January 15, there have been 188 confirmed cases within the last fourteen days.


New York Times graphic showing the COVID-19 cases in Summit County throughout the pandemic

Although previously only the Summit County Health Department could mandate online learning, recent statewide decisions have changed that.  Now school districts may decide to move online.  The Park City School District has considered the possibility of doing so, but has decided against it for the time being.


Currently, Summit County is in the “extremely high risk” category for COVID-19 cases. To be able to drop to the “very high risk” category, positivity rates must lower to below 10 percent and daily cases must average below 45.7 cases per 100,000 people.


To read the NYT article in depth click here.