Every time I write one of these articles I sit back and think of how everything I say comes off. But I get them edited and published anyway, as in my mind, they are a reflection of who I am.
But who am I to sit here and write about all these things? What am I even saying half the time? These questions are also things I find silly. Who am I to quiz my readers or myself on my thoughts, or to ask these questions as a way to spark some high-level discussion? Are these thoughts even as deep as I make them out to sound?
Which also confused me even more! Because why do I want to doubt myself so much? A critical lens is always good to make sure you’re putting out your best. But as I’ve seen with my college applications, it sets you back – a lot. A stressful, breakdown induces a lot.
Maybe it’s really not all that deep. As this column was described, it is some public version of my “diary,” so in a sense, it’s just fun to write these things.
You’ll never see my actual diary though.