As we have heard repeatedly, last heard from the senior class, we know that parking has been an added stress to the students of Park City High School. For this week’s update on parking, we are going to the fellow juniors to see what their “Hot Take” is on the matter.
Ari Kerr, a fellow junior at Park City High School, states that his flaming “Hot Take” is that to avoid further agitation and complaints to admin and the rest of the student body, there should be “designated parking, assigned to each grade”. This simple solution, which was previously in place, could provide an immense amount of help toward Lessing congestion and irritation, and bring together more respect and admiration towards our peers.
Another flaming hot take, Van Talbot a junior, states that if we want to change it has to be through more aggressive behavior, to make a change. He states that more students need to “key cars” and “stop letting the sophomore class” from getting into the two main lots. Mr. Talbot also believes that “even as a junior” the lots should NOT be integrated and should be reserved as “senior” and “junior” lots. Mr. Talbot’s final hot take is the importance of lessening the price of the tickets being distributed. He questions the Park City Student Council, asking “Where are all these funds going?” because as a student driver who already paid the hefty price of $100 for his pass, he feels the students deserve lower charges for the tickets distributed.
Our last hot take about the parking situation is from Ian Hoffman. He believes that to fix the congestion of the parking lot we need to add a new parking lot. Now that Park City High School is getting renovated for 9th graders it will be essential to have another parking lot! He explains how the parking lots get busy and crowded “It sucks it gets crowded if you come in late after 2nd period and then you have to park in the church lot and the church lot sucks to walk from” especially because it is unfair… “it’s not fair to the seniors that have to come in late and can’t park”. If we added a new parking lot they would be less packed and kids would be less stressed about getting to classes on time and not having to walk from the church lot.
We thank all the Juniors and Seniors for their “Hot Take” on the parking situation as well and we thank the administration for trying their best to negotiate with us students in making parking less stressful. Luckily the admin has helped by letting students park in teacher spots and has agreed that if students feel like their $100 was a waste then the school is happy to refund them but they would have to give up their parking pass as well. With all these “Hot Takes” we hope that each student can be more mindful and be kind with parking as it is limited.