Warning, this article contains controversial material. Reader discretion is advised.
Hundreds of years, AND STILL no consensus. What is the best Thanksgiving dish?
The first Thanksgiving was all about coming together and creating a union between early settlers and native Americans. Now we cherish the idea of starving ourselves all day in preparation for the big meal. Food has become the key aspect of this holiday. Without it, this holiday would mean nothing to us. What else does Thanksgiving offer, the opportunity to see your cousins, aunts, and uncles…? Let’s be honest, there’s a reason you only see them once a year. But what foods are worth, giving up your room for a random family member and sleeping on the floor?
Best Dish
Desperate to close this forever-long debate, we interviewed numerous people all over Park City: friends, family, teachers, and students. Even the random homeless guy on the side of the street (literally). The answer was almost unanimous.
The warmth of its soft texture, the smell of its magnificent aroma, its savory taste, and even its shape and color create a glorious image in every American’s mind… eating it is like having a little party in your mouth.
Stuffing. The very sound of this word is an eargasm in itself. It is the very best Thanksgiving dish PERIOD. Even our very ancestors from the first Thanksgiving will agree.
Think about it. Stuffing balances the composition of a Thanksgiving meal. It’s versatile, stuffing can be added to every bite. Without it, the turkey is too dry, the mashed potatoes are too bland, and the gravy goes cold; even the plate yearns for the very presence of stuffing. Stuffing adds that splash of flavor we all need.
Runner Ups
Home-made rolls take a close second in this debate. Bringing forth tantalizing smells to boost your appetite in preparation for the enormous feast ahead. You already know grandma has been perfecting that recipe for generations.
Lastly, mashed potatoes. These are often overlooked because they’re such a classic side. Their credibility as a scrumptious dish is only bolstered by their popular friend and soulmate, gravy. You can’t find a Thanksgiving table in America that doesn’t have this amazing combo to satisfy appetites.
Hot take
Turkey is so overrated. Let’s be real, you’ve never had a good turkey. It is either underseasoned, too dry, or just all-around bad. Americans can’t cook for their lives. So why does this food make the table year after year? Well, we have to keep up some traditions, I guess. (ham is better)
What is the best dessert? Only one answer: pie. But, which pie takes the crown? There is too much controversy surrounding this topic to discuss in full. And the world may never know the answer. But we can provide a few facts.
- Pumpkin pie is like baby food. (good or bad)
- Pecan pie… I mean do I really have to explain? (It’s awful)
- Apple pie. Why not?
- Berry pie. A sweet explosion of flavor.
Anything other than pie on Thanksgiving is a disgrace.
Overall, stuffing is the hands-down winner. Brussels sprouts are trash. There are too many pie flavors. Extended family is great but can get on your nerves. And this may be a contributing factor to our obesity problem in America. Thankfully we only have one holiday based around food, but all jokes aside it is fantastic.