This year’s school musical was the award-winning 1975 musical Chicago directed by our incredible high school theatre teacher, Krischelle Hansen. Chicago takes place in the roaring twenties and it centers around two cynical, alluring women, Roxie Hart and Velma Kelly, as they fight their murder accusations on trial with the help of an expensive and famous lawyer, Billy Flynn. While Billy Flynn is manipulative and devious, he always gets the job done, growing wealthier with each defendant he represents. I won’t spoil the show, although it has been out for almost fifty years now, but it is definitely a musical worth watching. Fun fact – it is the longest-running musical in history.
This musical is an audience favorite and a classic, with two leading women who bring humor and drama to the stage, a fishy lawyer with a confidence you can’t help but admire, and a dazzling and exciting ensemble to tie it all together.
In Park City High School’s performance of Chicago, Ella Olsen (senior) took the stage as Roxie Hart, and Lilah Stein (senior) performed the role of Velma Kelly. Both of their performances were absolutely amazing, on an acting level and a vocal level – and we can’t forget the dance skills! Nash Clevenger (senior) portrayed everyone’s favorite shifty lawyer, Billy Flynn.
Let’s not forget our other crowd favorites, with Hugh Arbabi portraying Roxie’s husband (and also sometimes ex-husband?) Amos Hart. Don’t worry, Hugh. We notice you. Jade Munoa, a regular star anchor on the Miner Morning Show, took on the role of Matron Morton, a.k.a. Mama.
However, a musical is nothing without all of its supporting roles and the ensemble. The Murderesses may be vindictive (except for maybe Hunyak, who continuously cried ‘Not Guilty’), but wow, those girls can dance. The chorus was beautiful, and a really fascinating part of this show was that instead of the orchestra being hidden below, they were starred at the top of the set for the whole show!
Not only is it important to recognize those in the spotlight, but also those working behind the scenes. The choreography and staging of this show was amazing, and the lighting truly brought it to life. The set design made the stage look absolutely magical, and the designers and those who put it together seriously went above and beyond.
So many people had a part in making this show not only happen but a true privilege to watch. From choreographers to directors to a cast of incredible actors and the amazing orchestra to the tech crew and everything in between – this show was amazing. Hats off to the cast and crew.