What really causes you to wake up in the morning and do anything? What’s the factor that provokes you to make an action every single day? Well, that’s motivation, obviously, the reason for doing or behaving a certain way, or the willingness to do or behave in said way. As I was making my bed this morning, all I could think about was why? What motivated me to make my bed, brush my teeth, go to school, do my homework, and go to bed on time? Here are some of my ideas.
Fear. Most of the things we do are probably dictated by being scared of the consequences. I go to work because I need to money to pay for things, otherwise I can’t get gas, have insurance, buy lunch, clothes, and so on. If I don’t do my homework or study, I fail a test, and if I fail a test then my grades slip, if my grades slip I might not be able to get into college, then I can’t get a well-paying job, then I start doing drugs on the street (something I’ll address in a later article) and so on.
Reward. Hooray, I get something out of completing a task. Using the work and homework analogies from earlier: if I go to work then I can have money, this money I not only spend on bills, but also on things that I like or enjoy. Similarly, by doing well in school and working hard, it’s possible that in the future I’d have to work less hard, be more successful, and lead a more fulfilling life.
Gratification. I like music, so I’ll listen; I like reading, so I’ll enjoy a novel etc… It’s the things that are engaging and exciting that make us want to work on them. It seems that intrinsic motivation also stems from a want to be fulfilled in a certain way. It’s possible that the activities I get true enjoyment from only give me that satisfaction because they fulfill my need for wanting a purpose, feeling happy, personal growth, so on. However, the “fullfillment” of something also seems to stem from reward or fear, those outside motivators. I want to feel happy because otherwise I’d be sad, and no one wants to feel that way, so I’m scared. I want to feel a sense of purpose because otherwise I’d be aimless, and that’s what I’m scared of. Essentially, the alternative to doing or not doing something is scarier than just doing it. So ultimately, it’s a multitude of deep-rooted insecurities that cause us to do things.
But what would happen if those didn’t exist? Would there be pure enjoyment of anything without that framework of fear or reward? Would I do anything? Would I exist – because at that point what forces me to take care of myself?
Idk! I’m just here.
I was motivated to write this because I wanted to feel productive.