High School Musical Theatre Nominations

The High School Musical Theatre Nominations were announced after the Park City High School Musical, which took place November 18th-20th. Judges attended the “Once Upon A Mattress” play and nominated and awarded certain actors and actresses. 


Many schools across Utah compete for High School Musical Theatre Awards and are nominated for roles such as best actor/actress, best supporting actor/actress, best lights, music costumes, etc. Many Park City High School students won awards in these categories, which is an accomplishment and learning opportunity for many theatre students. 


Junior J.T. O’Reilly was nominated as best actor for his role as Sir Harry.


“He did fabulously. J.T. has been in my productions since 8th grade,” said Krischelle Hansen, the theatre teacher and director of the show.  “He did Mama Mia with me which was my very first show,” 


Sophomore Lila Stein was nominated in the best actress category and played the role of Minstrel in the play. 


“She is an amazing actress,” said Hansen.


Other nominations included Zach Eggleton for best supporting actor, Brigette Davis for best supporting actress, and Kenny Buttz for best cameo. 


Zach Eggleton, who received best supporting actor and played the King Sextimus, didn’t sing at all in the show and only had one or two lines.


“He got it for pantomime, meaning acting without words,” said Hansen.


The awards are often very meaningful and a good learning opportunity for many of the theatre students. Students learn from the other students and get feedback. 


The nominated students will go compete in the statewide Utah National Theatre Awards, where a winner in each category will be selected.


“That is very helpful in helping them learn their craft,” said Hansen.


They also have the opportunity to win scholarships for college or other opportunities. Many of the best actors and actresses have the opportunity to go to New York and compete in another award show. 


“They have the opportunity to perform in the Jimmy’s, which is the student form of Tony’s. So from the Jimmy’s they could potentially go to the Tony’s which is awesome,“ said Hansen.