Election Day Results

Election Day was Tuesday, November 2nd.  Park City voters elected Naan Worel as the new mayor.  They also elected Jeremy Rubel and Tana Toly as new City Council members.  All the incumbent elected officials were voted out of office.


Mayor-Elect Worel began her career as a United States Army Nurse and has since served in several positions in local government, including her most recent job as a member of Park City Council.


She is in favor of cost-effective relocation of contaminated soil, revitalizing the public transit system, sustainable tourism, preserving Old Town, and numerous other policies (click here for more information).


Toly is the co-owner of the local Red Banjo business and has served on five local boards and two additional committees.  Rubel has a background in business and consulting.  For more information on their policies, click here.


The Park City School District bond proposition has also passed.  This means that the School District will begin renovating several schools.  The government will borrow money to fund the renovations, and raise property taxes to repay the money.


The most monumental change will be the additions to the high school, which will allow freshmen to attend school at PCHS.  Part of the school will be demolished, and a new wing for freshmen will be added near Dozier Field.


Treasure Mountain Junior High will be demolished.  Ecker Hill Middle School will be expanded to accommodate the eighth-graders, and several elementary schools will be renovated.  For more information on the bond, see this article.


Renovations on PCHS are predicted to start in June 2022 and last for two years.


“We’ve got a lot of work to do,” said Principal Roger Arbabi.  “We’re going to be meeting with the architects to design what the school is gonna look like, but we also have an opportunity now to really evaluate some of the programs that are in place, everything from career and technology to career and college readiness, so we’re really looking forward to a smooth transition and realignment to bring the ninth graders on board.”


The only other bond proposition also passed.  It funds the purchase of open Park City land, protecting it from corporate development.  It is the latest of similar bonds passed in recent years.


According to the Unofficial Election Summary released by Summit County, voter turnout throughout the county was 41.07%