24 Hours of Generosity

24 Hours of Generosity

The Park City Community Foundation (PCCF) is set to host its annual Live PC Give PC fundraising event for nonprofits around Summit County and Park City on November 5th of this year.


Live PC Give PC is an event where people who benefit from local nonprofits are encouraged to make financial donations to help the good work that they do for the community.


The minimum suggested amount for donations is twenty-five dollars, although a lower quantity is accepted.


Donations are made on the official Live PC Give PC website, which can be found at www.livepcgivepc.org . There are hundreds of organizations to donate to on the website.


“It’s not a huge donation of thousands of dollars, we try to make it so really anyone can donate,” said Kara Cody, Programs director of Park City Education Foundation (PCEF).


November fifth is the day the main Live PC Give PC event will be held. That is the day where it is most encouraged to donate. However, donations started back on August 25th.


“The idea of that day is to create momentum, fun, and excitement around the day to get people excited to support nonprofits,” Cody said. “[Live PC Give PC] is a way of recognizing the good work that the community does, and asking the community to help support.”