Student Schedule for Friday the 24th

The list of students taking the Pre-Act and their designated classrooms.

On Friday, September 24th sophomore and junior students will take the Pre-ACT. Students will be asked to proceed to their designated classroom where they will take the test. Students’ given room numbers are posted near the counseling office. Students will be testing from 7:30 to about 11:25. 


“For the last eighteen months, we’ve been dealing with COVID, we’ve had students that are remote and we’ve had students that may have some gaps in their learning,” said Principal Roger Arbabi.  “We want to evaluate everybody so we can find out where the gaps are in learning individually for certain students and also as a school.” 


Seniors may take the day off, however, if they need space to study or get work done they can go to the PCCAPS room. Students who did not pass a class in ninth, tenth, or eleventh grade will be asked to meet with Andrea Payne to remediate their classes. 


Seniors may also get help on their college essays with Melissa Nikolai in the PCCAPS room on Friday. 


Nikolai will be presenting a PowerPoint to help senior students with their college application essays. She will direct students to go to the college websites that they think they will apply to or to the common core prompts. Students will then choose a common core prompt that they think they can write about and Nikolai will help them develop their idea, organize it into a paper, and give the students time to write.